From Veronica with love

The Need
In churches everywhere it has been said “There will always be the faithful few." One day after I’d heard it yet again, God asked me, "Why are you settling for only a few being faithful?" He then began to show me that we-the church-only had faith that a few would be faithful which led to the expectancy of the multitude not. This was not okay; settling for a few was not alright with God. He revealed that the lack of faithfulness was due to the lack of a spiritual foundation which comes through equipping believers to do the work of ministry. The multitude had not been rooted or established in their relationship with God, and I thought, “My God, how could we have missed this?”
Many times the relationship between God and believers starts relatively the same. Someone happens to be in church. Maybe it’s random, maybe they’ve been visiting for a while. But, today, this day, God speaks to them, and they are overwhelmed with emotion and they take the leap of faith and decide to commit to God. They say the prayer, everyone rejoices, and then…
Then, the church invites them back and it’s business as usual. This individual who has decided to enter in or re-commit to a relationship with God, is expected to spiritually eat from the same table as everyone else not fully able to digest what’s being served. It would be like trying to feed a newborn baby a steak dinner. Their spirit man becomes malnourished which results in stunted growth and can lead back to spiritual death (being separated from the Father again). Sadly, this is the state of many in the Church. God has made aware the need at hand and he has blessed me to develop the Nurturance program.
The Nurturance Program
God has given us through the Nurturance Program a specialized tool designed to cultivate the spirit man and set a strong foundation. The foundation is established by the teaching of basic principles from the word of God. These truths help to produce the ability to be steadfast, rooted, strengthened in the faith and their relationship with God. The program consists of two components: The Nurturance Network Support System and Setting the Foundation teaching curriculum. The benefits of the Nurturance Program are essential for any individual, and if applied, will produce a faith filled son of God who is fruitful in every good work.
The Nurturance Network
After the development of the Nurturance Program God began to show me the importance of the Body of Christ being enabled to function at full capacity. God revealed that this could only be achieved through the utilization of all the equipping gifts referenced in Ephesians chapter four: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers. He further revealed (revelation is always progressive) that everyone has been given grace (enabling empowerment)or gifts and anointing's specific to the kingdom purpose they were created to fulfill. My hearts desire after hearing this from God was to facilitate an environment were Gods children could access what they needed for equipping, training and implementation of their kingdom purpose, hence the Nurturance Network was established.
“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
In churches everywhere it has been said “There will always be the faithful few." One day after I’d heard it yet again, God asked me, "Why are you settling for only a few being faithful?" He then began to show me that we-the church-only had faith that a few would be faithful which led to the expectancy of the multitude not. This was not okay; settling for a few was not alright with God. He revealed that the lack of faithfulness was due to the lack of a spiritual foundation which comes through equipping believers to do the work of ministry. The multitude had not been rooted or established in their relationship with God, and I thought, “My God, how could we have missed this?”
Many times the relationship between God and believers starts relatively the same. Someone happens to be in church. Maybe it’s random, maybe they’ve been visiting for a while. But, today, this day, God speaks to them, and they are overwhelmed with emotion and they take the leap of faith and decide to commit to God. They say the prayer, everyone rejoices, and then…
Then, the church invites them back and it’s business as usual. This individual who has decided to enter in or re-commit to a relationship with God, is expected to spiritually eat from the same table as everyone else not fully able to digest what’s being served. It would be like trying to feed a newborn baby a steak dinner. Their spirit man becomes malnourished which results in stunted growth and can lead back to spiritual death (being separated from the Father again). Sadly, this is the state of many in the Church. God has made aware the need at hand and he has blessed me to develop the Nurturance program.
The Nurturance Program
God has given us through the Nurturance Program a specialized tool designed to cultivate the spirit man and set a strong foundation. The foundation is established by the teaching of basic principles from the word of God. These truths help to produce the ability to be steadfast, rooted, strengthened in the faith and their relationship with God. The program consists of two components: The Nurturance Network Support System and Setting the Foundation teaching curriculum. The benefits of the Nurturance Program are essential for any individual, and if applied, will produce a faith filled son of God who is fruitful in every good work.
The Nurturance Network
After the development of the Nurturance Program God began to show me the importance of the Body of Christ being enabled to function at full capacity. God revealed that this could only be achieved through the utilization of all the equipping gifts referenced in Ephesians chapter four: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers. He further revealed (revelation is always progressive) that everyone has been given grace (enabling empowerment)or gifts and anointing's specific to the kingdom purpose they were created to fulfill. My hearts desire after hearing this from God was to facilitate an environment were Gods children could access what they needed for equipping, training and implementation of their kingdom purpose, hence the Nurturance Network was established.
“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7